Dermatitis has been found to affect 1 in 5 people within the population ranging from different varieties, presenting pattern, and its most likely causes. Find out about its aggravating factors, clinical presentations, variants, and treatment.

I recently graduated in medicine from Townsville, Australia, and I still enjoy writing blogs on medicine and pharmacy-related topics. I appreciate writing about my experience on different placements or topics I'm interested in. As English is my second language, writing blogs is a hobby and a fun challenge!
All tagged Treatment
Dermatitis has been found to affect 1 in 5 people within the population ranging from different varieties, presenting pattern, and its most likely causes. Find out about its aggravating factors, clinical presentations, variants, and treatment.
Psoriasis is a common, chronic and non-infectious skin disorder. Psoriasis can be classified into several subtypes as there are variable presentations. Learn more about its aggravating factors, variants, clinical features, and treatment.
Since I have started my medical studies in Townsville, which is in Queensland, Australia, I always heard that Queensland is the “skin cancer capital of the world” and decided to look into this claim. So why is there so much skin cancer in Australia and New Zealand? What can we do to protect ourselves?
Sheryl and Tom live in Townsville, a sunny city residing on the coast in North of Queensland, Australia. Having lived her whole life mostly asymptomatically, it wasn’t until in 1998 that Sheryl has been diagnosed with Haemochromatosis, and upon doing the genetic test, was found to be homozygous C282Y.
The first description of haemochromatosis was done in 1865 by Dr Trousseau written in the French pathology literature. Later in 1889, it was described by the German pathologist von Recklinghausen who first used the term haemochromatosis meaning pigmentation/colour ‘chrom’ and ‘heam’ which is a prefix referring to the blood.
On the 11th of February, the name COVID-19 was chosen for the 2019-nCoV. COVI refers to coronavirus, D for disease, and 19 for the year of the outbreak. The most recent pandemic occurred in 2009 and was caused by an influenza A (H1N1) virus, hence let us see the development of COVID-19 pandemic.
Viruses are a strange concept. They come from the edge of life containing a genome. They evolve rapidly through natural selection and reproduce by using their host's factory. Are they dead or alive? In December 2019, a novel virus was brought into the spotlight. What is the 2019-nCoV (COVID-19), and should we worry?
Currently, there are no drugs that can cure dementia and only limited medications that can temporarily improve cognition symptoms. The goals of Alzheimer’s drugs are to prevent neuron cell death, remove Aβ proteins or aggregations, prevent neurofibrillary tangles, increase synaptic communication and interactions, and finally reduce metal ions, radicals and reactive oxygen species.