Dermatitis and psoriasis are common skin conditions. They both display clear distinctions with some similarities.

I recently graduated in medicine from Townsville, Australia, and I still enjoy writing blogs on medicine and pharmacy-related topics. I appreciate writing about my experience on different placements or topics I'm interested in. As English is my second language, writing blogs is a hobby and a fun challenge!
All tagged Differences
Dermatitis and psoriasis are common skin conditions. They both display clear distinctions with some similarities.
It is essential for the human body to safely get rid of cells, and there are many reasons why they do that. Apoptosis describes the normal and controlled part of cell death. Necrosis comes from the Greek origin nekrōsis meaning “death” and later moved to modern Latin to necrosis.
Only a methyl group separates between Adrenaline and Noradrenaline, but their effects are very different. Here I decided to put together their differences and similarities as I found to be useful to distinguish between each other, especially since they have different medical usage.